Active Time
15 min
Inactive Time
2 hour
Total Time
2+ hours
1 tub Dreyer’s Slow Churned® Vanilla Bean light ice cream or Edy's® Slow Churned® Vanilla Bean light ice cream
1 store bought chocolate pie crust
1/2 cup hot fudge
1 cup whipping cream
Chocolate shavings or chocolate chips for topping
Set the Dreyer’s Slow Churned® Vanilla Bean light ice cream or Edy's® Slow Churned® Vanilla Bean light ice cream on the counter to come to room temperature for about 5 minutes.
Warm the hot fudge just until spreadable, about 20 seconds in the microwave. Place 1/3 cup of the hot fudge on the bottom of the chocolate pie crust and spread until even.
Scoop out the Dreyer’s Slow Churned® Vanilla Bean light ice cream or Edy's® Slow Churned® Vanilla Bean light ice cream into the pie crust and spread around the whole pie. Place the pie in the freezer to set for at least 2 hours.
In a small bowl, whisk the whipping cream until a stiff whipped cream appears, add in the rest of the hot fudge and mix until the whipped cream is evenly chocolate-y.
Remove the pie from the freezer and top with the chocolate whipped cream and sprinkle with optional chocolate shavings or chips. Enjoy!