Active Time
15 min
Inactive Time
30 min
Total Time
45 min
Dreyer's Slow Churned® Mint Cookie Crunch light ice cream or Edy's® Slow Churned® Mint Cookie Crunch light ice cream
12 store bought plain donuts
1 tub store bought vanilla frosting
blue food coloring
candy eyes
store bought cookie dough or mini chocolate chip cookies
(Optional) item*
*Tip: add tips (optional)
Slice the donuts in half and sandwich with about 1/3 cup of ice cream. Place back in the freezer to set.
If using store bought cookie dough, roll 1 teaspoon of the cookie dough and bake for about 8 minutes until golden brown.
Mix the vanilla with the desired amount of food coloring. Place into a piping bag fitted with a decorative tip.
Pipe the frosting onto the frozen donuts, add on the candy eyes close together and place the cookie right where the mouth would be.